Data Fusion

Data Fusion is the process of combining multiple data in order to produce information of tactical value to the user. Data can come from one or many sources. Sources may be similar, such as radars, or dissimilar, such as electro-optic, acoustic, or passive electronic emissions measurement. A key issue is the ability to deal with conflicting data, producing interim results that the algorithm can revise as more data becomes available. Daniel H. Wagner Associates was one of the earliest developers of Kalman Filter Trackers and Multi-Hypothesis correlators. We are still at the forefront of fusion technology by combining Non-Gaussian (or "probability map") target modeling with standard Kalman Filters in the same algorithm. This is especially useful for tracking targets with low probabilities of detection and complicated motion. This page contains some of our notable achievements in Data Fusion.

Environmental Data Fusion for Mine Countermeasures (EDFMCM)

Wagner, with SAIC as a subcontractor, developed several systems for Mine Countermeasures (MCM) to significantly improve the ability of Naval MCM forces to carry out their missions through the more effective use of available environmental data to accurately estimate the bottom, acoustic propagation,

Anti-Torpedo Data Fusion and Optimization Systems (ATDOS) to PMS-415 Torpedo Warning System (TWS)

In this project for ONR, Wagner developed a prototype Anti-Torpedo Data Fusion and Optimization System (ATDOS) for fusing all available data concerning anti-torpedo defense using Bayesian inferential reasoning, multiple hypothesis association, Gaussian sum and non-Gaussian tracking, and non-Gaussian

Cooperative Organic Mine Defense (COMID)

Implements sophisticated data registration, association, and fusion algorithms.  Tested using simulated data, real-world AQS-20X data, real-world SQS-53 Mid-Frequency Active/Small Object Avoidance (MFA/SOA) data, and real-world Precision Underwater Mapping (PUMA) data.  Analysis showed robust and

AWACS Tracking and Data Fusion

For USAF/ESC Hanscom AFB, MA, Wagner Associates showed how our track-to-track algorithm could efficiently combine E-3 sensor data, including ESM, pulse-Doppler radar, IFF and bistatic sensors to produce a correlated picture.

The Early Days of Tracking

Early in its long history, Wagner Associates established itself as the industry leader in tracking and data fusion, starting with the Maneuvering Target Statistical Tracker (MTST).