Feature Aided Association Module (FAAM)

Developed for the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command (USASMDC), FAAM is a atand-Alone Software module for utilizing sensor kinematic and non-kinematic feature (i.e. attribute) data measurements to more accurately calculate a probabilistic ID estimate and measurement-to-track association likelihoods.  Probabilistic ID estimates are used to improve the data association step for tracking and fusion.  FAAM uses the taxonomy of air targets and the types of sensor measurements available for estimating the various features that characterize the targets.  Feature data includes ELINT parameters, IFF mode codes, Radar Cross Section, EO/IR parameters (size, shape, length), COMINT and other INTs.  FAAM uses flight characteristics (Max Speed/Acceleration, Point of Origin, Friendly Keep Out Zones, Commercial Air Corridors) and is capable of taking advantage of an extensive knowledge base: Air Tasking Order, Friendly Keep Out Zones, Point of Origin, Flight Characteristics/Profile.

Feature Aided Association  Data Fusion Identification

Based solely on kinematics, the ELINT detection shown in green (friendly emitter) incorrectly has its highest likelihood association with the nearest air track, D3, prior to D3 entering the Cyan Friendly Keep Out Zone.

When track D3 enters a Friendly Keep Out Zone, this increases the probability that D3 is not friendly. Since D3 is probably not friendly, it also probably does not have a friendly radar, and thus FAAM updates the association probabilities. After this update, the friendly emitter has its highest likelihood association with D1, and so D1 becomes Friendly and track D3, becomes Assumed Hostile.

When track D3 enters a Friendly Keep Out Zone, this increases the probability that D3 is not friendly. Since D3 is probably not friendly, it also probably does not have a friendly radar, and thus FAAM updates the association probabilities. After this update, the friendly emitter has its highest likelihood association with D1, and so D1 becomes Friendly and track D3, becomes Assumed Hostile.