Net-Centric Data Fusion (NCDF) for Undersea Warfare Decision Support System (USW-DSS) and SSQ-89A(V)15 Torpedo Defense Functional Segment (TDFS)
NCDF is a low-cost system solution (straightforward integration of mature, extensively tested components) providing:
- An accurate and fused Common Tactical Picture (CTP), utilizing all available networked sensor data
- An automated multi-sensor system with a high probability of torpedo attack detection (PD) and a low false alarm rate (FAR)
NCDF, CTAM and TOAM components have been integrated into Undersea Warfare Decision Support System (USW-DSS) Build 2 in order to provide automatically generated cross-platform track association recommendations and a common tactical picture. NCDF, CTAM and BIE components are being integrated into a SQQ-89A(V)15 ACB-13 in order to provide more accurate torpedo alerts and a torpedo defense Situational Awareness picture
NCDF Technologies.
- Effective contact-to-track (aka report-to-track) fusion algorithm:
- Multiple hypothesis association
- Gaussian sum tracker
- Bayesian treatment of attributes/features
- Effective track-to-object (aka track-to-track) fusion algorithm
- Uses all available track data (including entire track history) when determining association scores
- Registration
- Multiple hypothesis association, Gaussian sum tracker, Bayesian treatment of attributes/features
- Accurate and operationally effective Bayesian Inference Engine
- Prioritization
- Classification
- Alerting