Style Analysis

Style Analysis Pie ChartStyle analysis determines the exposures of a fund to different asset classes, such as growth stocks or value stocks, by comparing the historical returns of the fund with the returns of the asset classes.  Our WAstyler does this in a Microsoft Excel workbook using a quadratic optimization.  Returns for the fund and up to 12 asset classes over the past 200 or fewer days are entered into a worksheet.  WAstyler then finds weights for a portfolio of the asset classes which best fit the fund’s returns.  The pie chart designates each asset class by a color and gives the corresponding fund weight.  WAstyler also produces statistics and graphics which show:

  • How closely the returns of the fund conform its decomposition into asset classes, and
  • How the fund’s performance corresponds to the style specified in its prospectus.

WAstyler also analyses changes in style over time.  The following graph shows the decomposition of the fund’s returns into returns of the asset classes, again designated by different colors, as time progresses. Percentages specified below the graph indicate how well the fund’s returns conform to its decomposition into asset classes as time progresses.

WAStyler Analysis

WAstyler is available on the Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000 and XP platforms. The user’s machine needs to have Microsoft Excel 7 or above. The price is USD $500 which includes:

  • One user license
  • Reasonable amounts of telephone support
  • User’s guide

No trial is available, but contact us.

We can also provide a Style Analysis Library which you may incorporate into your applications.  There are three license types available. General descriptions follow (other restrictions may apply):

  1. A single-user license allows you to use the library with your own non-commercial, non-distributed applications.
  2. A web-user license allows you to use the library in your web-based commercial application.
  3. A distribution license allows you to distribute the library with your stand-alone commercial application.

Contact us for pricing.